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Matthew Moradian

Real Estate Development for the Childcare Industry

Blog Post 3: Real Estate Development for the Childcare Industry

The demand for quality childcare facilities is rising, driven by increasing workforce participation among parents and the growing recognition of early childhood education's importance. Real estate development for the childcare industry focuses on creating safe, accessible, and stimulating environments that support children's development and well-being. This post explores the unique approaches to childcare facility development across various countries, focusing on Montessori and Reggio Emilia programming.

Choosing the right location is crucial for childcare centers. Proximity to residential areas, workplaces, and public transit ensures convenience for parents and staff. Developers must consider zoning regulations, community needs, and potential environmental impacts when selecting sites for childcare facilities​ (Mission Driven Finance™)​.

Design Considerations

Childcare centers require specialized design features to ensure safety and promote child development. Key design considerations include:

  • Safety: Secure entry points, childproofing, and emergency exits are essential for creating a safe environment.

  • Age-Appropriate Spaces: Separate areas for different age groups, such as infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, with age-appropriate furniture and equipment.

  • Outdoor Play Areas: Safe, well-designed outdoor spaces that encourage physical activity and exploration.

  • Natural Light and Ventilation: Ample natural light and good ventilation are important for creating a healthy and stimulating environment​ (The Learning Experience)​.

Montessori and Reggio Emilia Programming

Montessori and Reggio Emilia are two of the most respected early childhood education methodologies, each with distinct design and programming needs.


Montessori classrooms are characterized by their simplicity and accessibility. The environment is designed to encourage independence and exploration, with child-sized furniture and a variety of learning materials that are easily accessible to children.

  • Italy: Italy, the birthplace of Montessori education, continues to be a leader in integrating these principles into its childcare centers. Italian Montessori schools often feature open, airy spaces with plenty of natural light, fostering a sense of freedom and independence among children.

  • United States: In the US, Montessori schools are widespread, with real estate development focusing on converting traditional spaces into Montessori environments. This includes the use of natural materials and creating outdoor environments that extend the learning experience​ (BCG Global)​.

Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia-inspired environments are designed to be welcoming, aesthetically pleasing, and reflective of the community. These spaces encourage collaboration and communication, with a strong emphasis on natural light, transparent walls, and communal areas.

  • Italy: The Reggio Emilia approach originated in Italy and is deeply embedded in the design of its childcare centers. Italian Reggio schools emphasize beautiful, thoughtfully arranged spaces that reflect children's interests and promote a sense of belonging and community.

  • The Netherlands: The Netherlands has embraced the Reggio Emilia approach in its early childhood centers, focusing on creating flexible learning environments that can be adapted to the changing needs and interests of children. Dutch Reggio schools often include atelier spaces for creative exploration and expression​ (

Global Examples


Sweden's approach to childcare real estate development is integrated with broader urban planning initiatives. The country prioritizes mixed-use developments that incorporate childcare facilities, ensuring accessibility and convenience for families. Swedish childcare centers often feature eco-friendly designs, incorporating sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems​ (BCG Global)​.


Mexico is focusing on transforming underutilized urban spaces into childcare facilities. The country’s planning initiatives emphasize community outreach and collaboration with local developers to ensure that new childcare centers meet the needs of families. Efforts are also being made to ensure that these centers are safe, accessible, and equipped with modern amenities​ (

United States

In the United States, The Learning Experience (TLE) has developed over three million square feet of childcare space, ensuring that each center is well-integrated into its community. TLE's model focuses on clustering centers in key markets to leverage marketing and support costs, enhancing operational efficiency and brand recognition. This model includes a blend of Montessori and Reggio Emilia elements, providing flexible and stimulating environments that support children's development​ (The Learning Experience)​.

Regulatory Compliance

Developers must navigate various regulations and standards governing childcare facilities. These include health and safety guidelines, building codes, and licensing requirements. Compliance with these regulations is crucial for obtaining approvals and maintaining operational standards. Regulatory bodies often conduct inspections to ensure facilities meet required standards​ (The Learning Experience)​.

Sustainability in Childcare Development

Sustainable design practices are becoming increasingly important in childcare development. Incorporating energy-efficient systems, green building materials, and outdoor learning spaces can enhance the sustainability and appeal of childcare facilities. Sustainable design not only reduces environmental impact but also creates healthier environments for children​ (Mission Driven Finance™)​​ (BCG Global)​.

Case Studies and Examples

Successful examples of childcare facility development demonstrate the importance of thoughtful planning and design. For instance, The Learning Experience (TLE) has developed more than three million square feet of childcare space in concentrated markets, ensuring that each center is well-integrated into its community. TLE's model focuses on clustering centers in key markets to leverage marketing and support costs, enhancing operational efficiency and brand recognition​ (The Learning Experience)​.


Developing real estate for the childcare industry requires a thoughtful approach to location, design, and regulatory compliance. By prioritizing safety, accessibility, and sustainability, developers can create high-quality childcare environments that support the needs of children and their families. As demand for childcare services continues to grow, well-designed facilities will play a crucial role in supporting early childhood education and development.

Cited Sources:

  1. Mission Driven Finance. (2024). We invest in early care & education through real estate. Retrieved from Mission Driven Finance.

  2. The Learning Experience. (2024). Real Estate Development Opportunities. Retrieved from The Learning Experience.

  3. Boston Consulting Group. (2023). Reinventing Childcare for Today’s Workforce. Retrieved from BCG.

  4. The City of Calgary. (2024). Future developments. Retrieved from

  5. The City of Calgary. (2024). Calgary Real Estate & Development Services. Retrieved from


  1. Modern Montessori childcare center design in Italy (Mission Driven Finance)​ (Mission Driven Finance™)​.

  2. Outdoor play area in a Reggio Emilia-inspired center in The Netherlands (​ (

  3. Biophilic design elements in a Swedish childcare center (BCG)​ (BCG Global)​.

  4. Sustainable childcare facility in Mexico (The Learning Experience)​ (The Learning Experience)​.

  5. Adaptive reuse of urban space for childcare in the United States (Mission Driven Finance)​ (Mission Driven Finance™)​.

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